Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Chemo week, blood & clinic

This week began on Monday, a holiday except for us. Chemo week with the first treatment of this series on Monday. They will extend into this Sunday. Got one unit of blood last week. Tomorrow is clinic day and at least another unit of blood as well.  Diane is very tired, her stomach is upset and it is hard for her to eat.  Not much tastes good to her. She is supposed to get about 2000 calories a day but is doing well to get about 800. When she eats, it seems like the food hits her stomach and makes her feel worse. I guess food and poison don't make a great combination. Imagine that! We're hoping that more blood tomorrow will help her feel better. If we find out anything more at clinic tomorrow we'll make another report then. She is watching tonight's relief society program on facetime thanks to Sandy Czech. Thanks to everyone for your care and prayers.

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Diane is very thankful for any well wishes, even if she is not able to respond to all of them.