Thursday, February 19, 2015

Dry well, no tests, PICC line

They were unable to do any tests today, they tried but the well was dry.  They could NOT get any blood out of Diane to make the tests with! The time was insufficient to give her a blood transfusion-one more day of tired and weak.

Her veins were too bad, they could not get blood for a numbers count or give her blood today, so......putting in a PICC line was the option.  Going to have to get 2 units of blood tomorrow as well as Vidaza and blood counts by using the PICC line. That means no more chemo in the belly. They are using a new special dressing for her skin over the PICC line, the dressings will be maintained by the BMT clinic. The PICC line was installed at the LDS infusion center and went pretty well, it took about an hour and a half, including waiting, placement and verifying x-ray. This will make it easier for Diane and the BMT CLINIC  and was inevitable at some point, that was today.

She is tired, sleeps a lot but doing OK. Today did not turn out like we had expected, we hope tomorrow will be better.

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Diane is very thankful for any well wishes, even if she is not able to respond to all of them.