Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Fever is back, lots of blood products

Another high fever this afternoon (2:30 pm)  at almost 104. They put her on meds and had a nurse stay right with her for about an hour.  Things have returned to near normal now, we're hoping not to have a duplicate of that again. It was scary and a busy room for a while.  So that adds at least another day to the hospital stay.

Doing ok right now (9 pm) except for the pain she seems to have because of the chemo.  She is still nauseated and finds it hard to eat. I hope she gets a good night's sleep, she slept very little last night.

As of tonight she has had 3 units of platelets and 3 units of red cells since admission.  They are going to give her platelets thru the night, on a slow drip,  because her body is destroying them so rapidly and they are having to use regular ones and not the ones specific for her with all the proper markers.  They should have some  of her specific ones (HLA matched) tomorrow.

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Diane is very thankful for any well wishes, even if she is not able to respond to all of them.