Saturday, August 29, 2015

Transfusions Continue -- Long Day

Getting tanked up with blood  (2) and platelets (2) so we don't have to come back until Tuesday.  Her platelets have not been holding very well. Starting with a count of 10 today, one unit only took her up to 16. You can't always know how much bump up you'll get from a transfusion.  The life of a platelet depends on its life span in the donor and whether or not they may have reached close to their life span even before they were donated or may be newer. They typically have a life span of about two weeks, and you have no way of knowing where  in that cycle most of the platelets you receive were. It's an interesting business and we're grateful there are those who understand and administer it on her behalf.

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Diane is very thankful for any well wishes, even if she is not able to respond to all of them.