Tuesday, August 18, 2015

PORT good on first try, chemo begins again

Monday,  two of the nurses, working together, decided where to place the needle and were able to access the PORT on the first try.  Diane was much relieved and grateful.  They took blood tests, gave her platelets, and gave her Zofran to help settle her stomach and then administered the chemo, Dacogen. She will come to the hospital every day this week through Friday for chemo.  She will also take oral chemo, Revlimid, for twenty-one days straight.

Today, no blood tests, Zofran and Dacogen were given and it seemed to take forever.  The pharmacy was very slow.  Sometimes it happens, so our hour appointment will end up being about two and a half hours.

The worst thing about the delay is that it puts us into rush hour traffic. Even that seems to be getting worse, like maybe rush two-hour traffic. Maybe since the freeway has been finished, it might not be so bad, I guess we'll see tonight.

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Diane is very thankful for any well wishes, even if she is not able to respond to all of them.