Friday, July 31, 2015

NEW routine, less time at LDS Hospital

Since receiving a couple of meds through the pharmacy and discontinuing one of the IV only meds, we did not have to go to the hospital yesterday. It was really like getting time off for good behavior.

She still gets a shot every day but we can give it to her at home and that saves a trip to LDS. We still go up for blood tests and transfusions, but do get some days that we don't have to be there at all.

Tomorrow we will go again for two transfusions, one for red blood cells and one for platelets. After those, they will remove the needle from her PORT for the rest of Saturday and Sunday and then put a new one back in at the clinic visit Monday. The needle should be changed once a week normally.

If we can keep her well enough, we may get more days off from hospital visits, that really helps her spirits, and seems more like real life.

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Diane is very thankful for any well wishes, even if she is not able to respond to all of them.