Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Day 35, Going Home

Left the hospital at 5 pm. Heading for home. Out patient status for now.  Next 4 days back for chemo then 3 weeks off.  Then repeat for the next 3 months. She was apprehensive while we waited to get discharge orders, afraid she wouldn't get to leave, but we did. Glad to be going home! What else can we say for today?  THANKS to all who helped clean the dust from the house! ......


  1. Hurray! So glad to hear this good news. Comfort of home never looked soooo good, right?!?!?!! Let me know if there is ANYTHING you need. (ex: Run to the store, yard work, bathrooms, food, etc.). Love you guys!

  2. We are very happy you get to come home!!!! When is a good day to bring dinner over?

  3. Welcome home. How was your first night? I hope good.

  4. Yay! So glad you get to go home! Sheila will be admitted on Tuesday be sure and say hi!


Diane is very thankful for any well wishes, even if she is not able to respond to all of them.