Friday, January 16, 2015

Day 31, Dr. said: "miracle "

No signs of fevers for a couple days now. We consider that a tender mercy. Yesterday, there was a video conference for the state of Utah doctors. Our doctors told us today that they used Diane's case for the conference because of the many twists and turns it has experienced, discussing it state wide. Our BMT doctor, Dr. Mitchell, called her increasing nutrifills numbers, despite the numerous set backs, a miracle!  Doctors don't use that word very often in medicine, but she did and others agreed, even the infectious disease team. We're glad the doctors told us that it was a miracle because we don't know enough about it to be able to make that determination, we wouldn't have recognized it, the Lord does answer prayers. She has felt pretty good today and they're going to try and get her off the IV's and go with oral antibiotics. Dr. Pearl, the pulmanologist, says her lungs sound much better.  These walking shoes are about to get used tonight......


  1. So awesome to hear good news!! Love you and prayers still coming your way.

  2. We'll take miracles any day.....bring them on!! Oodles of prayers and luvs coming your way!

  3. That's awesome! We know you can fight this!!!the lord is on your side!

  4. Glad you are able to get up a bit. Hang in there.

  5. You are certainly in our thoughts and prayers. Keep up the good work!!

  6. That is good news, so thankful for those tender mercies. Love you bunches. Keep smiling. We keep you in our prayers.


Diane is very thankful for any well wishes, even if she is not able to respond to all of them.