Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Day 28, progressing along, coughing, blood and fever....

Late yesterday she got another blood transfusion.  As I Was coming to the hospital today, the American Red Cross was out front delivering blood products. If I could have caught the delivery person I would have gone over to thank them for what they do. In fact, thanks, to those of you who can donate blood.  The sign up list went around the quorum  this past Sunday and it had new meaning to see it. So far, Diane has received about ten or so pints in transfusion.  These have been life saving since she has not been able to make her own blood. She received another transfusion of platelets just this afternoon. The coughing has not improved much and they're working on that, but the chest x-ray shows her lungs and pneumonia are  doing better. The cough is wearing her out.  Her bones hurt as the numbers increase while she makes white cells, beginnings of rebuilding an immune system. Tonight she again has a fever (100.5), we didn't want to see that again.  Once they start the Vidaza chemo, that will knock the immune system down again. Visits from friends continue to improve her spirits. .....


  1. Diane,
    We love you, and are so thankful for all those who have donated blood, wow way to find the good.

  2. Oh and by the way if you need some laughs, this is one of my favorite humor blogs, http://www.cakewrecks.com/


Diane is very thankful for any well wishes, even if she is not able to respond to all of them.