Monday, January 12, 2015

Day 27, coughing and chest x-ray

Today finds her coughing a little bit as she awoke, and during the day they gave her some cough medicine, plenty of ice chips and water. The cough medicine seemed to do the trick. They took her for a chest x-ray just to make sure that everything was okay,  the doctor wants to play it on the safe side. Her numbers of neutrophils are down a little but that's not surprising they say considering some of the meds she is on for the fungus tends to eat up neutrophils.  On the whole she has good numbers especially this soon after the chemo. She has decided that Henry's lady friends name (submitted by Carol) is Matilda. In German the name Matilda means "strength in battle", most approiate at this time, Diane is bouyed up as she thinks of this meaning. All of you have been wishing for strength in battle and have been showing it through your notes. Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Thinking about you today. Love the name of your new doll. Very fitting. Hang in there. Love you,


Diane is very thankful for any well wishes, even if she is not able to respond to all of them.