Friday, January 9, 2015

Day 24, one more day done

Today was mostly unremarkable! The doctors say "boring is good".  This was probably her best day so far. The breathing was easier, the swelling is slowly going. Walking was easier and a little more rapid with good distance. She feels better and NO FEVER! She is gaining strength and stamina.   Haline's family brought in Mandarin, you know it's reputation-even the nurses were asking if it was from "that place in Bountiful". We played "drawful"  from on our devices. Fun Friday evening activity. Lots of people brought food in this week and Diane ate well enough that the Dr. has removed the IV nutrition bag from Henry and thus her. This week also marks the beginnings of her fourth week here at LDS Hospital. We are grateful for the very best doctors, nurses, aids and visiting friends and family. Let us express our sincere-heartfelt gratitude to all of you for the cards, gifts, socks, food and treats, thoughts, texts, prayers, fasting and faith in our behalf.  With the blessing of the Lord, tender mercies and your strength we have been lifted to be able to survive these difficult days. The girls made a snail for a rather slow day.......

1 comment:

  1. So love to see posted " the good ole' boring days. I hope there are many more, with only good events scattered between. Live and hugs


Diane is very thankful for any well wishes, even if she is not able to respond to all of them.