Thursday, January 8, 2015

Day 23, balancing act, no fevers, lungs a little better

We're learning that one thing causes another and corrections of problems becomes a balancing act. The fungal infection she has been fighting in her blood really likes steroids she takes to eliminate the rashes. Except it's like a gas pump hose on a blazing fire, so the infectious  disease team want the steroids tapered off faster than normal.  The rashes are just about gone so the balance will happen and they're tapering the  steroids twice as fast. Antibiotics are good for fighting the fungus in blood and lungs but not so good for know which way we want that balance to pun intended on the word go. Today they're pleased with how well she is feeling, water weight is coming down and fungus is not in the blood now. Working on breathing and walking more to build strength. Henry and Diane have a new friend, what do you think her name should be? ......accepting suggestions.


  1. Hi Diane so glad you are feeling somewhat better. Love you. You have such great strength and faith. Keep hanging in there.

    English form of Latin Mathilda, meaning "mighty in battle."
    Variant spelling of Scandinavian Mathilda, meaning "mighty in battle."
    Or MAUDE (same thing)
    You are a strong woman💪 keep going! You have so many who love you and are backing you in this battle. I'm happy to hear you're having a better day. Love you. Carol


Diane is very thankful for any well wishes, even if she is not able to respond to all of them.