Monday, January 5, 2015

Day 20 , ICU fever and chills but feeling better now, TEST RESULTS.

She spent the night and today in the ICU with breathing difficulties and pains in the chest probably costochondritis, a condition of inflammation of the rib cage cartilage. Slept good last night but woke to a fever, shakes and chills. The ICU bronchosppy  showed fluid and some pneumonia. A sample of the fluid was sent to the lab and results are yet to come back. She was up and walked today twice.  Feeling better than this morning. Hallie brought in tacos for lunch, nice tasty change. As we talked to each other and the doctors today in the ICU,we asked about going home (meaning the 8th floor East). Tomorrow is 3 weeks so we are getting used to being home here.

"The bone marrow biopsy results came back today. The purpose of the biopsy was to see if the chemotherapy had done its job by eradicating, or at least suppressing, the cancer in the bone marrow to the point that a bone marrow transplant would be possible. If you don't kill the bone marrow, and thus the cancer, the bone marrow transplant will not be of benefit. Unfortunately, the results of the bone marrow biopsy show that the chemotherapy did not have the desired affect. The cancer is still present and may have even progressed a little DESPITE the chemotherapy. All hope is not lost, there is another drug called Vidaza that the doctors want to try in the hopes that it will suppress the cancer enough. Patients usually tolerate it pretty well. Needless to say, Diane is feeling let down and deflated. Your thoughts, prayers, visits, and support are needed now more than ever as she rallies herself for another attempt at beating this cancer."


  1. We love you and we know you can fight this! Keep staying strong and fighting.. Sending lots of hugs, love and prayers your way!

  2. I'm sorry to hear the test results were not what we had all hoped for. That must be one tough cancer to thrive among such powerful drugs. Luckily Diane is one tough lady. We are praying for you and for the strength to endure the next round of drugs. Love you guys!

  3. We love you! Your in our thoughts & prayers daily! Hopefully the new drug will get the cancer!!

  4. Oh rats! Don't you just hate it when things don't go as you have planned. Be strong my dear friend and know that I am praying for you.

  5. You are one of the strongest women I know! You have a lot more fight left in you. Go fight! We are right there with you every step of the way. You would never let us give up and we won't let you! I love you❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  6. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family every day. I know you are tough and you have fight still left in you. Know that you are greatly loved by so many people.

  7. Angels are with you. Can you feel them holding you up? Love you sweet friend!

  8. Thinking of you! Stay strong and keep positive! Sending hugs and prayers your way. M. Fowers

  9. You are very loved - fight the good fight! You are in my heart and my prayers momma! Love you all! Jen Christensen


Diane is very thankful for any well wishes, even if she is not able to respond to all of them.