Thursday, January 1, 2015

Day 16, 104 degree fever

For New Years Eve, she got another 104 degree fever in the night and blood in her left eye. (Brandon said the party at the hospital must have really been something wild.) They did cultures because of the fever to see if anything is going on.  Sometimes fever will present when the immune system is rebuilding. The eye problem was likely due to low platelets, so today she got a transfusion of them. The infectious disease team was called in to evaluate her history of fever, bumps and rash. They are going to suggest tapering the antibiotics slightly and the steroids is in process of being tapered. They found she has CMV (Cytomegalovirus), which is like mono-everyone has it and it can be latent in the body, but it will show up when white blood cells are compromised as with bone marrow issues. Today, Haline, Avery and Lauren came in and all the gals did lunch and nails. Tonight the fever and cough returned again, they ordered blood cultures and a chest x-ray. She doesn't feel to good tonight, hoping tomorrow will be a better day. She feels pretty wiped out-no walking today. 


  1. It sounds like we need to get back to boring. Big changes every day. You never know what to expect. Hope today is better news.

  2. I hope you are feeling better today. Sorry you haven't been feeling awesome :( Sending prayers your way..


Diane is very thankful for any well wishes, even if she is not able to respond to all of them.