Thursday, October 15, 2015

Very tough and challenging day

So, her arm was worse today. Bad enough to cause fevers. They think it has a clot and hope it will be dissolved by the body. They are watching it very closely, had an ultrasound done, examined by the infectious disease doctor team and a hand and arm doctor surgeon checked it out and will be keeping am eye on it for a couple days. Some of you may know of him, he is the son of our good friend Greg Skedros, owner of the Mandarin  Restaurant in bountiful. They tried to get an MRI of the arm but she couldn't lay down that flat and still breathe, her lips were turning purple. So they had to abort that idea.
She has been pretty much out of it for most of the day, being on strong pain meds for her arm-very tender and painful, you can't even think of touching it.
They have been getting a lot of fluid off her system. This evening in an attempt to get fluid off and give her some rest, they put in a catheter. While doing that they found out that she may have had an infusion pump error and she got a 12 hour drip of lasix in a very short amount of time.  The nurses were running in and out like a mad house. Getting monitors, taking vitals, giving potassium, watching heart and kidneys very carefully. She is doing ok now, answering questions and all, Ashley and Whitney (her very favorite nurses) are with her now, docs know and ICU HAS BEEN ALERTED JUST IN CASE. They come in every 15 minutes and check vitals and are constantly monitoring her on telly.
We certainly don't want to repeat this day.....hoping tomorrow is better.


  1. Diane my heart goes out to you. Bless you my dear and the entire family for the loving care you give.

  2. Oh we are all thinking of you and praying you will have strength

  3. We pray for a turn for the better. Thanks for keeping us informed. Joseph and Suzanne


Diane is very thankful for any well wishes, even if she is not able to respond to all of them.