Saturday, October 17, 2015

Till we meet again

Diane, my eternal companion and love of my life, passed away today at 4:45 this afternoon. All the chemo treatments had quit working and the disease was progressing rapidly. She is no longer in pain or discomfort, but in her Heavenly Father's arms and home.

Thanks for all your prayers and support. I'll make a last post when funeral plans are made.  Love you all



  1. Oh my goodness! This has so saddened and shocked me that I can't stop weeping. I know she is in a better place but I will miss her so! She is such a gifted and an amazing woman. I loved talking with her and being with her. She was such fun when I worked with her in Young Women's and was such a marvelous sister and leader in Relief Society. I know how difficult this is for all of you and my prayer is that the Comforter will be with you in great abundance. Diane is also with you and will actually be able to help your family from the other side now that she is not cumbered by a sick body.I know this is true because Irv has been such a help to our family. I am so sorry. I send my love to your whole family. I will remember Diane forever and feel so privileged to have known her here on earth and know I will be her friend again. Love and prayers to all of you, Cherie Rencher

  2. This news has broken my heart. What an amazing woman she was. Such an inspiration to me. I truly love her and I will miss her so very much. I am grateful for the knowledge of what an indispensable gift to the heavenly world she will be and the comfort that it brings to know that your family is forever. You know our Father in heaven is so glad to have her help. And I know she will be watching over all of you. All my love and prayers to you and your family, Brittany Rigby


Diane is very thankful for any well wishes, even if she is not able to respond to all of them.